Carson City
District Court Forms
Supreme Court of Nevada
Court Forms
- Affidavit of Service
- Affidavit in Support of Default Judgment
- Affirmation_Notice to the Public
- Affirmation_Initial Appearance
- Affirmation_Personal Information
- Application for Entry of Default
- Application and Declaration to Waive Fees and Costs
- Application to Waive Mediation Fees
- Case Appeal Statement Form
- CD Public Request Form
- Civil Cover Sheet
- Court Interpreter Billing Invoice
- Creditor's Claim
- Declaration
- Default
- Execution
- Family Court Information Sheet
- Family Court Trial Process Selection
- Financial Declaration Criminal Fine Waiver
- Financial Disclosure Form_Detailed
- Financial Disclosure Form_General
- Financial Disclosure Form_Marital Balance Sheet
- Financial Disclosure Form_Marital Balance Sheet_Joint
- Financial Disclosure Form_Request to Opt in
- Financial Disclosure Form_Reasonable/Necessary Expenses
- Guardian's Acknowledgement (Adult-Estate)
- Guardian's Acknowledgement (Adult-Person)
- Guardian's Acknowledgement (Minor-Estate)
- Guardian's Acknowledgement (Minor-Person)
- Letters of Guardianship
- Low Income Child Support Guidelines
- Media Request
- Media Request_Notice of Consent
- Motion for an Order to Enforce and or for an Order to Show Cause
- Motion for Orders to Modify Child Custody, Visitation, and or Child Support
- Motion on Divorce/Custody
- Motion
- Notice of Change of Contact Information
- Notice of Execution
- Notice of Intent to Appear by Communications Equipment
- Notice to Creditors
- Notice to Set
- Objection to Master's Findings
- Opposition to Motion for an Order to Enforce and or for an Order to Show Cause Regarding Contempt
- Opposition to Motion for Orders to Modify Child Custody
- Order
- Protected Person Bill of Rights
- Reply to Opposition to Motion
- Request for Submission
- Response to Motion
- SCR 250 Application Form
- Schedule of Arrears
- Sealing of Records Introduction
- Sealing of Records Packet
- Service of Documents
- Statement of Legal Aid Representation
- Subpoena
- Summons
Abandoned Vehicles
To apply for a bonded vehicle title if you do not have an existing title or other adequate proof of ownership of a vehicle and you are unable to contact the previous owner for the necessary documentation, please go to the DMV website.
Divorce Forms
Please see the Supreme Court of Nevada's Self-Help Website.